The Lawless Breed
After being released from prison, former gun-fighter John Wesley Hardin hopes to have his autobiography published in order to rehabilitate his tarnished reputation....
Starring Rock Hudson, Julia Adams, John McIntire
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The Lawless Breed
After being released from prison, former gun-fighter John Wesley Hardin hopes to have his autobiography published in order to rehabilitate his tarnished reputation....
Starring Rock Hudson, Julia Adams, John McIntire
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Rock HudsonJulia AdamsJohn McIntireHugh O'BrianMichael AnsaraDennis WeaverMary CastleForrest LewisLee Van CleefTom FaddenWilliam PullenGlenn StrangeRichard GarlandRace GentryCarl Pitti
Rock Hudson, Julia Adams, John McIntire, Hugh O'Brian, Michael Ansara, Dennis Weaver, Mary Castle, Forrest Lewis, Lee Van Cleef, Tom Fadden, William Pullen, Glenn Strange, Richard Garland, Race Gentry, Carl PittiDirected By
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