Talk To Me
Talk To Me

Talk To Me

Outspoken ex-convict Ralph "Petey" Greene talks his way onto the air at a white-owned radio station in 1960s Washington, D.C. Fueled by the new music and social upheaval of the times, he courts controversy while becoming the voice of the black movement....

Starring Don Cheadle, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Taraji P. Henson

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Talk To Me

Talk To Me

Outspoken ex-convict Ralph "Petey" Greene talks his way onto the air at a white-owned radio station in 1960s Washington, D.C. Fueled by the new music and social upheaval of the times, he courts controversy while becoming the voice of the black movement....

Starring Don Cheadle, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Taraji P. Henson

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