Hired to kill a rancher, a gunman takes over his ranch, rounds up cattle for drive to market, and wins his daughter....
Starring Audie Murphy, Susan Cabot, Paul Kelly
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Hired to kill a rancher, a gunman takes over his ranch, rounds up cattle for drive to market, and wins his daughter....
Starring Audie Murphy, Susan Cabot, Paul Kelly
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Audie MurphySusan CabotPaul KellyMary CastleCharles DrakeJack KellyJesse WhiteWilliam ReynoldsChubby JohnsonBill RadovichDonald RandolphJames StoneJames Van Horn
Audie Murphy, Susan Cabot, Paul Kelly, Mary Castle, Charles Drake, Jack Kelly, Jesse White, William Reynolds, Chubby Johnson, Bill Radovich, Donald Randolph, James Stone, James Van Horn© 1953 UNIVERSAL STUDIOS
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