Daniel Isn't Real
A troubled college freshman, Luke, suffers a violent family trauma. He then resurrects his charismatic childhood imaginary friend Daniel to help him cope, not realizing how dangerous Daniel is....
Starring Patrick Schwarzenegger, Miles Robbins, Sasha Lane
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Daniel Isn't Real
A troubled college freshman, Luke, suffers a violent family trauma. He then resurrects his charismatic childhood imaginary friend Daniel to help him cope, not realizing how dangerous Daniel is....
Starring Patrick Schwarzenegger, Miles Robbins, Sasha Lane
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Patrick SchwarzeneggerMiles RobbinsSasha LaneHannah MarksMary Stuart MastersonChukwudi IwujiAndrew BridgesFaith LoganKatie ChangJacqueline Honulik
Patrick Schwarzenegger, Miles Robbins, Sasha Lane, Hannah Marks, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chukwudi Iwuji, Andrew Bridges, Faith Logan, Katie Chang, Jacqueline HonulikGet even more with STARZ
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